Getting Started with Pandas and Matplotlib

Written by Adam Green.

Why Pandas and Matplotlib?

The large ecosystem of libraries is one of the reasons Python is a popular choice for data science. Yet with so many different libraries available, it can be tough to know where to start.

Pandas and Matplotlib are a great place to start your journey into Python data science & analysis tools.

Together these two libraries offer enough to start doing meaningful data work in Python.


Pandas is a Python library for working with tabular data.

Tabular data has rows and columns. If you have worked with Excel, you have already worked with tabular data.

In this article we will work with a cities dataset - a tabular dataset with three rows and three columns:

Installing and Using Pandas

You can install pandas with pip, a Python package manager:

$ pip install pandas

You can also find a notebook with all the code we develop in this article on Github or on Google Colab.

Pandas is used by importing the pandas package, commonly aliased to pd:

import pandas as pd

What is a DataFrame?

At the core of Pandas is the pd.DataFrame.

A pd.DataFrame has three parts:

  1. index - 1-dimensional row labels,
  2. columns - 1-dimensional column labels,
  3. values - 2-dimensional data.

The index and columns are labels - they tell us what a row or column represents, such as the population column label. The values are the data itself, like 1.6.

Creating a DataFrame

One way to create a DataFrame is from a Python dictionary, where the dictionary keys are the column names and the dictionary values are the data:

import pandas as pd

  'city': ['auckland', 'berlin', 'london'],
  'population': [1.6, 3.6, 8.9],
  'hemisphere': ['south', 'north', 'north']
       city  population hemisphere
0  auckland         1.6      south
1    berlin         3.6      north
2    london         8.9      north

Loading CSV Data into a DataFrame

Being able to construct DataFrames from Python objects such as dictionaries and lists is useful, but is limited to small datasets that we type manually in code. This is useful for creating data for unit tests, but not useful for working with large datasets.

A common way to create a DataFrame is from a CSV file. This allows us to work with CSV files on our local machine.

Pandas handles this with pd.read_csv, which reads data from a CSV file on our local computer.

This same function can also be used to read data from the Internet. Below we read in our cities dataset using pd.read_csv to read from a Github URI:

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv(
       city  population hemisphere
0  auckland         1.6      south
1    berlin         3.6      north
2    london         8.9      north

This is the way we will load our cities dataset in rest of this post - reading directly from a public URI (such as a URL).

Index, Columns & Values

We can access the three parts of our DataFrame as attributes of an initialized pd.Dataframe object:

# RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1)

# Index(['city', 'population', 'hemisphere'], dtype='object')

[['auckland' 1.6 'south']
 ['berlin' 3.6 'north']
 ['london' 8.9 'north']]

The index pandas created for us is a range index (also called an integer index).

Rows are labelled with a sequence of integers ([0, 1, 2]):

# RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1)

       city  population hemisphere
0  auckland         1.6      south
1    berlin         3.6      north
2    london         8.9      north

We can replace this with more meaningful index using set_index, turning the city column into the index:

          population hemisphere
auckland         1.6      south
berlin           3.6      north
london           8.9      north

We have lost our original integer index of [0, 1, 2] and gained an index of city - great!

Selecting Rows and Columns in Pandas

A basic operation in data analysis is selection - to select rows and columns. There are two ways to do this in pandas - loc and iloc.

Pandas offers two ways to do selection - one using a label and one using the integer position.

In Pandas we can select by a label using loc and by position using iloc. These two selection methods can be used on both the rows (index) and the columns of a DataFrame. We can use : to select the entire row or column.

loc Uses Labels

loc selects based on the label of the row and column.

loc allows us to use the labels of the index and columns - we use it to select data based on labels:

#  select the berlin row, all columns
data.loc['berlin', :]

#  select all rows, second column
data.loc[:, 'population']

iloc Uses Position

iloc selects based on the integer position of the row and column.

iloc allows us to use the position of rows and columns - we use it to select data based on position:

#  select the first row, all columns
data.iloc[0, :]

#  select all rows, second column
data.iloc[:, 1]

Selecting based on position is very useful when your data is sorted.

iloc is why a range index isn't that useful in pandas - we can always use iloc to select data based on it's position.

Now we have been introduced to loc & iloc, let's use them to answer two questions about our cities dataset.

What is the Population of Auckland?

We can answer this using loc, selecting the auckland row and the population column:

data.loc['auckland', 'population']
# 1.6

Which Hemisphere is our First City In?

We can answer this using iloc to select the first row with 0 and loc to select the population column:

# north

Filtering with Boolean Masks in Pandas

Another basic operation in data analysis is filtering - selecting rows or columns based on conditional logic (if statements, equalities like == and inequalities like > or <).

We can filter in pandas with a boolean mask, which can be created with a conditional statement:

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('')

#  create our boolean mask 
#  with the conditional 'population < 2.0'
#  aka population less than 2.0
mask = data.loc[:, 'population'] < 2.0
auckland     True
berlin      False
london      False
Name: population, dtype: bool

The boolean mask is an array of either True or False - here indicating True if the population of the city is less than 2.

We can use our boolean mask to filter our dataset with loc - loc understands how to use a boolean mask:

subset = data.loc[mask, :]
          population hemisphere
auckland         1.6      south

Why Do We Need Boolean Masks if We Can Select with loc or iloc?

The power of using boolean masks is that we can select many rows at once.

Below we create a boolean mask based on the hemisphere of the city - then using this mask to select two rows:

mask = data.loc[:, 'hemisphere'] == 'north'
auckland    False
berlin       True
london       True
Name: hemisphere, dtype: bool

subset = data.loc[mask, :]
        population hemisphere
berlin         3.6      north
london         8.9      north

Aggregation with Groupby in Pandas

The final data analysis operation we will look at is aggregation.

In Pandas aggregation can be done by grouping - using the groupby method on a DataFrame.

The Two Step Groupby Workflow

In Pandas aggregation happens in two steps:

  1. creating groups based on a column, such as by hemisphere,
  2. applying an aggregation function to each group, such as counting or averaging.

Aggregation allows us to estimate statistics, lets use it to answer a few more questions.

What is the Average Population In Each Hemisphere?

We can answer this with our two step workflow:

  1. groupby('hemisphere') to group by hemisphere,
  2. mean() to calculate the average for each of our hemisphere groups (north and south).
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('').set_index('city')
north             6.25
south             1.60

What is the Total Population In Each Hemisphere?

Our two steps to answer this question are:

  1. grouping by hemisphere,
  2. aggregating with a sum.
data.loc[:, ['population', 'hemisphere']].groupby('hemisphere').sum()
north             12.5
south              1.6

Saving DaatFrame to CSV

The end of many data analysis pipelines involves saving data to disk - below we save our aggregation to a CSV file:


Full Pandas Code

All the code we looked at above is in full below:

#  import & alias pandas as pd
import pandas as pd

#  read dataset from github url
data = pd.read_csv('').set_index('city')

#  save cities dataset to file on local machine

#  select the berlin row, all columns
data.loc['berlin', :]

#  select all rows, second colun
data.loc[:, 'population']

#  select the first row, all columns
data.iloc[0, :]

#  select all rows, second column
data.iloc[:, 1]

#  what is the population of Auckland?  
data.loc['auckland', 'population']

#  which hemisphere is our first city in?

#  select population less than 2
subset = data.loc[data.loc[:, 'population'] < 2.0, :]

#  northern hemisphere countries
subset = data.loc[data.loc[:, 'hemisphere'] == 'north', :]

#  average population in each hemisphere

#  total population in each hemisphere
data.loc[:, ['population', 'hemisphere']].groupby('hemisphere').sum()

#  save to csv file on local computer


Matplotlib is a Python library for creating data visualizations.

One challenge of Matplotlib is that it offers multiple ways to plot data. This means that there are different ways to do the same thing in Matplotlib. This can make using Matplotlib challenging as it's not clear which API is being used.

Mastering Matplotlib requires understanding the different Matplotlib APIs, and using whichever is best for your data and workflow.

We recommend and will use the plt.subplots API. It offers the flexibility to plot multiple charts in the same figure, and integrates nicely with Pandas.

Installing and Using Matplotlib

You can install Matplotlib with pip:

$ pip install matplotlib

Matplotlib is used in Python by importing the matplotlib package, commonly aliasing the submodule matplotlib.pyplot as plt:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

What is a Matplotlib Figure?

The core components in Matplotlib are the figure and axes.

An axes is a single plot within a figure. A figure can have ore or more axes. Each axes can be thought of as a separate plot.

This axes is different from an axis, such as the y-axis or x-axis of a plot. An axes will have both a y-axis and x-axis.

Using the plt.subplots Matplotlib API

We can create a figure with two axes with the plt.subplots API:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2)

Our figure with two axes are at this point both empty.

Next we load our data with Pandas, and create a plot on our first axes:

import pandas as pd

#  load data from CSV with pandas
data = pd.read_csv('').set_index('city')

#  create a bar plot on the first axes of our figure
data.plot('population', ax=axes[0], kind='bar')

Automatically makes labels for the x and y axis - quite nice!

Our second axes is still empty - we can plot something on it by passing ax=axes[1] into another plot call on our DataFrame:

#  access first axes and plot a scatter plot
data.plot('land-area', 'population', ax=axes[1], kind='scatter')

Now we can see two visualizations of our data - a bar chart and a scatter plot.

The final step in our pipeline is to save our figure to a PNG file on our local machine:


Full Matplotlib Code

The full code for our visualization pipeline is below:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

#  create one figure with two axes
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2)

#  run a simple data pipeline
data = pd.read_csv('').set_index('city')

#  access first axes and plot a line
data.plot(y='population', ax=axes[0], kind='bar')

#  access first axes and plot a scatter plot
data.plot('land-area', 'population', ax=axes[1], kind='scatter')

#  small trick to get x-axis labels to play nice

#  save the figure as a png file


Thanks for reading!

Key takeaways from this post are:

  • a pd.DataFrame is made of an index, columns and values,
  • .loc selects based on the label, iloc selects based on position,
  • boolean masks can be used to select rows based on conditional logic,
  • aggregation functions can be used with .groupby,
  • the plt.subplots API is the best way to use Matplotlib.

This content is a sample from our Introduction to Pandas course.

Thanks for reading!

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