The shell is a core development tool. Bash is a commonly used shell, that is readily available in the cloud.
Learning how to use a shell will allow you to:
Learing Bash makes cloud technologies like CI/CD or Docker easy - both CI/CD and Docker have shell commands at their core. Learning to use Bash unlocks automation in the cloud.
You might not always need to write shell scripts to automate tests and deployments, but the skills required to write shell scripts will allow you setup both CI and CD.
Different developers use different tools for using a Bash shell.
Some developers run terminals inside an IDE like VS Code. Others will use a separate program like Windows Terminal to run shell commands.
What shells you have available depends on your operating system.
TODO - Git Bash on Windows or WSL, or Bash on Linux or MacOS. Zsh is also fine.
indicates a command is run interactively in a Bash shell – you don’t need to write this leading $
when you are typing in the shell.
For example, if you see:
$ ls
You need to type ls
, then Enter
to run the command in the REPL.
The terminal, command line and shell are often used interchangeably. They are however different tools - all three are used when using a computer via text input.
The terminal (also called a console) is an interface that controls user input & output. It allows you to interact with a computer through text commands.
Historically a terminal was hardware. The terminal originates in the mainframe era of computing. Terminals could connect to other computers - you could run programs on a central computer from your terminal.
Today terminals are often software - using terminal emulator programs on a computer. These software terminals can also be used to connect to other computers.
Popular terminal emulators include:
The command-line is the space or interface in the terminal where you can type and execute text commands.
When you launch your terminal, you are in a command-line interface.
$ echo "this is the command line"
A shell is a computer program that executes text commands.
Shells are used in two ways:
A shell is automatically started in a new terminal. When you write text in the command-line of a terminal, it is executed in a shell, the output displayed, and then a new command line prompt is shown, ready for the next user input.
The shell we shall use in this lesson is the Bash shell.
There are many different shells available – commonly used shells are:
, >>
, <
) and piping (|
).You can combine different shells with a given terminal emulator. For example, you could use Bash with the Windows Terminal, or Zsh with iTerm2.
The best shells to know are the ones that are most easily available in the cloud. Bash is the most common shell on Linux systems, which is the most common compute environment available in the cloud.
We can use the shell as a REPL to list the current directory files & directories using the ls
$ ls
We can use the shell as a programming language via shell scripting - an example shell script that lists the current directory using ls
#!/usr/bin/env bash
We can then execute this script in a shell REPL:
$ bash
A shell has its own syntax and set of commands, along with a collection of programs available.
Common shell programs include:
- list files & directories,pwd
- print working directory,cd
- change directory,cat
- print file contents.A shell program is a common way for developers to share their work. AWS and Azure both offer a command-line interface (CLI) that allows interacting with resources on the AWS cloud.
The programs that are available in your shell are programs that are in the shell’s $PATH
environment variable - more on the $PATH
and environment variables later.
Bash use the space character to separate commands & arguments.
This makes working at the shell natural, but requires some care when using with spaces.
The shell will expand spaces by default into separate commands - this means that spaces in the wrong places can cause shell scripts to break.
We can use the echo
program to print text to the terminal.
The echo
program takes an argument of the text to print - enclosing our message "this is fine"
in quotes will prevent the shell from expanding the spaces in our message:
$ echo "this is fine"
This space based expansion is one reason why you should never put spaces in file names - use -
or _
as a separator in file names:
# don't do this
/folder name/file name.txt
# do this instead
If you do use spaces, you may end up seeing (or having to write!) your paths by escaping the spaces with the escape character \
# this is harder to work with
/folder\ name/file\ name.txt
shows us where we are in the file system - this is our current directory:
$ pwd
We can remove output from the terminal with clear
$ clear
lists our current directory - showing us the files and folders:
$ ls
We can configure how ls
works using flags - these are options that the ls
program exposes.
Two common flags for ls
are showing hidden files with -a
in a long format with -l
$ ls -al
We can change our current directory using cd
, which will move down into a directory:
$ cd practice-dir
We can move back up a directory with cd ..
, which moves into the parent directory:
$ cd ..
Another useful cd
command is cd -
, which moves to the directory we were previously in:
$ cd -
A special directory on Unix system is the home folder, which is the highest level folder for a user.
We can get to the home folder in a few different ways:
$ cd ~
$ cd $HOME
$ cd
is a special syntax that refers to the home folder. $HOME
is a special variable that contains the path to the home folder.
The highest level of a file system on MacOS contains folders like /etc
and /Users
- we can move to these directories using cd
$ cd /etc
Important top level directories include:
- configuration files,/bin
- programs,/Users
- user home directories on MacOS,/home
- user home directories on Linux.We can make an empty file using touch
$ touch myfile.txt
We can edit the contents of this file using a text editor.
It’s important to know how to use at least one of the text editors that are included with an operating system, for example nano
$ nano myfile.txt
You can make a directory with mkdir
$ mkdir practice
We can recursively create directories by passing the -p
flag to mkdir
$ mkdir -p practice/subfolder
We can move a file or folder from one place to another with mv
$ mv myfile.txt practice-dir/myfile.txt
Be careful with mv
- it will overwrite the file!
We can copy a file or directory using cp
$ cp myfile.txt practice-dir/myfile-copy.txt
We can delete files with rm
$ rm file
Be careful with rm
- there is no trash can for rm
We can also delete a folder using rm
. Two useful flags are -r
which will recursively delete a folder and -f
which will force deletion:
$ rm -rf directory
is needed as by default, rm
will not delete a directory that has things in it.
is a program that prints the contents of a file to the terminal:
$ cat
One common use of cat
is at the start of a shell pipeline.
For example, we can pipe the contents of a file into another program grep
$ cat | grep "data"
will print the first n
lines of a file:
$ head -n 3
will print the last n
lines of a file:
$ tail -n 3
A file pager is a program that will keep a file open and allows you to move through that file.
A most common pager is less
$ less
We don’t always know exactly where files or directories are, or what the contents of files are.
We can find directories using the find
$ find /path/to/search -type d -name "directory-name"
To find a file by it’s name, we can use the find
$ find /path/to/search -type f -name "file-name"
We can use the wildcard character *
to match any characters.
For example, to find all Python scripts:
$ find /path/to/search -type f -name "*.py"
To find a specific string in files, we can use grep
$ grep "search-string" filename.txt
To find where a program lives, we can use which
$ which ls
This will show the location of the ls
program, which is a binary file.
Shells can redirect input and output between commands.
Redirection allows a program to accept text input and output text to another program.
This enables the composition of programs, with programs generating text for each other.
The shell establishes three text streams:
When using Bash as a REPL, the three text streams are connected to:
The <
operator is used to redirect input. It reads input from a file instead of the keyboard. For example:
$ sort < unsorted.txt
The >
operator is used to redirect output from a command to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.
The following redirects the output of ls -l
to a file named files.txt
$ ls -l > files.txt
The >
command will overwrite - if you want to append the output to an existing file rather than overwriting it, you can use the » operator.
$ ls -l >> files.txt
This will sort the lines in the unsorted.txt
The pipe operator |
allows you to chain commands together by passing the output of one command as input to another. This enables composition of commands without using temporary files.
A pipe connects the standard output of the first command to the standard input of the second command.
$ ls | wc -l
Multiple pipes can be chained together to create more complex operations:
$ ls -l | grep ".txt" | sort | head -n 5
The shell is a stateful system - a shell stores data in between execution of programs. This data is stored in environment variables.
Environment variables can set and accessed in the shell, and then used as part of shell commands.
Programming languages like Python can access environment variables - in Python we can use os.ENVIRON
to access the environment variables of the shell process the Python program is running in.
We can set an environment variable using NAME=VALUE
- note the lack of space around the =
$ stage=production
We can view the value of this environment variable with echo
, using the $NAME
$ echo $stage
Our shell is run in a process - there are hundreds of processes running on your computer now.
Many actions we take in a shell create a new process - this new process is called a sub-process. For example, when we run a Python script in a shell, a new Python process is created.
Environment variables are not inherited by sub processes.
We can however make environment variables accessible to sub processes using export
$ export stage=production
You will often see export
used in the shell config scripts like .bashrc
. This is because these scripts are run during shell startup, and the environment variables defined in these scripts are supposed to be available to all sub processes.
You can see all the environment variables currently defined in your shell with the env
$ env
You can access an environment variable using the $NAME
syntax. We can use echo
to view the value of an environment variable:
$ echo $HOME
environment variable is a list of directories, separated by a :
environment variable is a list of directories that the shell will search when you type a command. Appending a directory to PATH
makes that program accessible via a shell from any directory.
variable will be quite long - a useful tip is to pipe the variable into tr
, which can replace the :
used to separate the paths with a new line \n
$ echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n"
It’s common to see the PATH
variable modified in scripts by appending a new path onto the existing path:
$ export PATH=$PATH:$SPARK_HOME/bin
A common pattern you will see in install scripts is to copy this path update command into our shell configuration script:
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$SPARK_HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
This will append export PATH=$PATH:$SPARK_HOME/bin
to the user’s ~/.bashrc
. On next shell startup, the $SPARK_HOME/bin
directory will be available in the user’s PATH
Any binary programs that exist in $SPARK_HOME/bin
will now be available to run from the shell.
Sourcing a file executes the commands in the file in the current shell.
This is different from running a file, which will execute the commands in a new shell in a sub-process.
One common use of source
is to load environment variables into the current shell:
$ source myfile
$ echo $NAME
Your shell is configured using text files. These text files are source
’d during shell startup, before you see your first command line prompt. Often these files are .rc
files, which stands for “run command”.
Which shell configuration file depends on both your shell and your operating system:
on Linux with Bash,~/.zshrc
on Linux with Zsh,~/.bashrc
& ~/.bash_profile
on MacOS with Bash,~/.bashrc
& ~/.zshenv
on MacOS with Zsh.A final complexity here is the difference between a login versus non-login shell.
When you log into a system and start a shell, that’s called a login shell. Login shells read certain configuration files, and the settings in those files persist for the session.
When you start a new terminal window or a new shell in an existing session, those are non-login shells. They read a different set of configuration files, and settings last only for the life of the shell.
This distinction depends on your operating system - for the shell and OS you are using, make sure you understand the intricacies of which configuration files are source
A shell alias is a shortcut for a command or set of commands. Aliases are commonly defined in your shell configuration files.
Here are some example aliases you can use for inspiration:
alias ls='ls -aGl'
alias c='clear'
alias cls='clear && ls'
alias bashrc='vim ~/git/dotfiles/.bashrc'
You can use "command"
to run a command without alias expansion:
$ "ls"
Shell scripts allow code reuse and automation.
Bash is frequently used for scripting as it’s the default shell on common Linux distributions like Ubuntu.
Even you are using Zsh as an interactive REPL via a terminal, you can still run scripts using the Bash program - below would work in both Zsh and Bash:
$ bash
A script is a text file containing lines of commands. Any command that can be executed in the terminal REPL with the Bash shell can also be put into a Bash script.
Below prints when we are using Bash as a REPL:
$ echo "this is printing in the Bash repl"
this is printing in the Bash repl
Below is a script that prints some text:
echo "this is printing in a Bash script"
We can run this script in the shell to see what it prints:
$ bash
this is printing in a Bash script
The first line of a bash script usually begins with a ‘shebang’ (#!
) followed by the path to the Bash program:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
This line tells the system that the file is a bash script and to use the Bash shell to interpret the script.
A shebang is not necessary - even without a shebang, we can execute a script by specifying the bash
program directly:
$ bash
A shebang allows us to execute a script like a standalone executable - without using Bash as part of our command:
$ ./
Common shebangs include:
#!/usr/bin/env python
,#!/usr/bin/env bash
,#!/usr/bin/env sh
.We use /bin/env
as this will find the program wherever it occurs in the $PATH
shell environment variable.
Before you can run your script using the ./
syntax, it must have execute permissions.
You can add execute permissions with the chmod
$ chmod +x
After setting this permission, we can execute our script like a standalone executable:
$ ./
You can also specify the program to run the script as part of the command - this works with and without a shebang in
$ bash
Let’s start with the traditional Hello World program as a Bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# comments in Bash use a #
echo "Hello, World!"
is a shell program that prints its arguments to standard out - commonly to a terminal.
We can add a variable for a name:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello, $name!"
We use the $name
syntax to refer to the value of the name
variable within the script.
Command line arguments provide a way to customize the behavior of a script each time it’s run. They are provided after the script name, separated by spaces.
Inside the script, you can access the arguments using special variables - $1
refers to the first argument:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello, $name!"
Running a Bash script with command line arguments:
$ ./ adam
We can write a function in a Bash script using the function
function greet {
echo "Hello, $1"
greet "adam"